Over 30 years ago our Lead Calibrator started ECU Tuning long before most tuners even existed and has been at the forefront ongoing with a huge catalog of experience working in several companies or for companies as their back end where they cannot do the work in-house (and when they do “in-house” tuning it’s by someone without any mechanical knowledge who’d been on a few days training course”, would you learn any trade in a few days?).

Many or most tuning houses do not tune in-house but will claim they do even though they say it’s done in-house, many claim they do “live mapping” on ECU’s that cannot be live mapped.

Unfortunately, this is now common as marketing BS. They also claim a “custom map” on a stage 1 car is better than a generic map, usually you get a generic map anyway which we see from many customers who have previously had their car mapped and come to us to resolve issues, a very highly developed generic map over months or even years will be far better than any “custom” map written in sometimes less than half an hour, this will have been rigoursly tested in all conditions to perfection, we do custom mapping on many applications but it is not a quick job, so if you’re offered a custom map in 30 minutes, who knows what you are getting, definitely not custom!


Our experience not only covers road vehicles but also race cars where we can test extensively, with this knowledge we have been called upon to assist, map and Scrutineer in many race championships including:

  • Mini Challenge
  • VAG Trophy
  • VW Cup
  • Ford Fiesta Challenge
  • Renault Clio Cup Road Series
  • And collaboration in BTCC

With our experience in racing and testing on track we have the skills most tuners do not have to apply this not purely just for power but for drivability.

We can add in features just as the ability to left foot brake, apply linear throttle mapping whether light to race to totally linear which was pioneered by us before any other tuning company in the world!

We can also accommodate for any other modifications and advise on further modifications, we do not sell parts but we know what works best with cars so we can give unbiased advice for our clients, something rarely found these days with upselling techniques widely used as with most industries these days!